CISM Certified Information Security Manager Practice Exams
暫譯: CISM 認證資訊安全經理實務考題

Gregory, Peter H.




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Don't Let the Real Test Be Your First Test

Take the current version of the challenging CISM exam with complete confidence using relevant practice questions contained in this effective self-study guide. Each chapter of the book contains a battery of questions that closely match those on the live test in content, format, tone, and feel. To reinforce salient points and facilitate retention, in-depth explanations are provided for both the correct and incorrect answer choices. Written by an InfoSec expert and experienced author, CISM(R) Certified Information Security Manager(R) Practice Exams thoroughly covers every subject on the exam. Designed to help you pass the test with greater ease, this book is also an ideal companion to the CISM Certified Information Security Manager All-in-One Exam Guide.

Covers all four exam domains:
-Information security governance
-Information risk management
-Information security program development and management
-Information security incident management

Online content includes:
-Test engine that provides a full-length practice exam and customized quizzes by chapter or exam domain





使用本有效的自學指南中的相關練習題,帶著充分的信心參加當前版本的挑戰性 CISM 考試。本書的每一章都包含一系列問題,這些問題在內容、格式、語氣和感覺上都與實際考試中的問題密切匹配。為了加強重要要點並促進記憶,對正確和錯誤的答案選擇都提供了深入的解釋。本書由資訊安全專家和經驗豐富的作者撰寫,CISM(R) 認證資訊安全經理(R) 練習考試 徹底涵蓋了考試中的每一個主題。這本書旨在幫助你更輕鬆地通過考試,也是CISM 認證資訊安全經理全方位考試指南的理想伴侶。

- 資訊安全治理
- 資訊風險管理
- 資訊安全計畫的開發與管理
- 資訊安全事件管理

- 提供完整練習考試和按章節或考試領域自定義測驗的測試引擎


Peter H. Gregory, CISA, CISM, CRISC, CISSP, CIPM, CCISO, QSA, CCSK, is a 30-year career technologist and an executive advisor for clients of Optiv Security. He is the author of over 40 books on information security and technology, including CISA Certified Information Systems Auditor All-in-One Exam Guide, Third Edition.


彼得·H·格雷戈里(Peter H. Gregory),CISA、CISM、CRISC、CISSP、CIPM、CCISO、QSA、CCSK,是一位擁有30年職業生涯的技術專家,並且是Optiv Security客戶的高級顧問。他是超過40本有關資訊安全和技術的書籍的作者,包括《CISA認證資訊系統審計師全方位考試指南(第三版)》。