CCSP Certified Cloud Security Professional All-in-One Exam Guide, 2/e (Hardcover)
暫譯: CCSP 認證雲端安全專業人員全方位考試指南(第二版,精裝本)

Carter, Daniel




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Comprehensive coverage of every domain on the CCSP exam

This highly effective self-study guide covers all six domains of the 2019 release of the challenging Certified Cloud Security Professional exam as well as the CCSP Common Body of Knowledge, developed by the International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium (ISC)2(R). CCSP Certified Cloud Security Professional All-in-One Exam Guide, Second Edition offers clear explanations, real-world examples, and practice questions that match the content, tone, and format of those on the actual exam. To aid in retention, each chapter includes exam tips that highlight key information, a summary that serves as a quick review of salient points, and practice questions that allow you to test your comprehension. "Notes," "Tips," and "Cautions" throughout provide additional insight.

Covers all six exam domains:
- Cloud Concepts, Architecture, and Design
- Cloud Data Security
- Cloud Platform & Infrastructure Security
- Cloud Application Security
- Cloud Security Operations
- Legal, Risk, and Compliance

Online content includes:
- 300 practice questions




全面涵蓋 CCSP 考試的每個領域

這本高效的自學指南涵蓋了 2019 年版的挑戰性 Certified Cloud Security Professional 考試的所有六個領域,以及由國際資訊系統安全認證聯盟 (ISC)²(R) 開發的 CCSP 共同知識體。CCSP Certified Cloud Security Professional All-in-One Exam Guide, Second Edition 提供清晰的解釋、真實世界的範例和與實際考試內容、語調和格式相符的練習題。為了幫助記憶,每章包括考試提示,突顯關鍵資訊,摘要作為重要要點的快速回顧,以及讓您測試理解的練習題。書中隨處可見的「備註」、「提示」和「注意事項」提供了額外的見解。


- 雲概念、架構和設計

- 雲數據安全

- 雲平台與基礎設施安全

- 雲應用安全

- 雲安全運營

- 法律、風險與合規


- 300 道練習題


Daniel Carter, CISSP CCSP CISM CISA, has 20 years of experience in the IT and security worlds, working in both the higher education and healthcare sectors on the state and federal levels. He is currently a Senior Systems Engineer at The Johns Hopkins University & Medicine.


丹尼爾·卡特(Daniel Carter),CISSP CCSP CISM CISA,擁有20年的資訊科技與安全領域經驗,曾在州和聯邦層級的高等教育及醫療保健部門工作。目前,他是約翰霍普金斯大學與醫學院的資深系統工程師。