Programming iOS 5, 2/e : Fundamentals of iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch Development (Paperback)
暫譯: iOS 5 程式設計(第二版):iPhone、iPad 和 iPod touch 開發基礎

Matt Neuburg

  • 出版商: O'Reilly
  • 出版日期: 2012-04-01
  • 售價: $1,890
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$1,796
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 1014
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1449319343
  • ISBN-13: 9781449319342
  • 相關分類: Apple Developer
  • 已過版



Get a solid grounding in the fundamentals of Cocoa Touch, and avoid problems during iPhone and iPad app development. With this revised and expanded edition, you’ll dig into Cocoa and learn how to work effectively with Objective-C and Xcode. This book covers iOS 5 and Xcode 4.3 in a rigorous, orderly fashion—ideal whether you’re approaching iOS for the first time or need a reference to bolster existing skills.

Many discussions have been expanded or improved. All code examples have been revised, and many new code examples have been added.

  • The new memory management system—ARC—is thoroughly explained and all code examples have been revised to use it.
  • New Objective-C features, such as declaration of instance variables in the class’s implementation section, are described and incorporated into the revised example code.
  • Discussion of how an app launches, and all code examples, are revised for project templates from Xcode 4.2 and later.
  • Other new Xcode features, including the Simulator’s Debug menu, are covered, with screen shots based on Xcode 4.2 and later.
  • The discussion of Instruments is expanded, with screen shots—by popular request!
  • Storyboards are explained and discussed.
  • The explanation of view controllers is completely rewritten to include iOS 5 features, such as custom parent view controllers and UIPageViewController.
  • The Controls chapter now includes iOS 5 interface customizability and the appearance proxy.
  • New features of interface classes are discussed, including tiling and animated images, new table view features, new alert view styles.
  • Coverage of frameworks such as Core Motion and AV Foundation is greatly expanded. New iOS 5 classes and frameworks are also discussed, including Core Image and UIDocument (and iCloud support).
  • Important iOS 5 changes that can break existing code are explicitly called out in the text and listed in the index.


獲得 Cocoa Touch 基礎知識的堅實基礎,避免在 iPhone 和 iPad 應用程式開發過程中遇到問題。透過這本修訂和擴充版的書籍,您將深入了解 Cocoa,並學會如何有效地使用 Objective-C 和 Xcode。本書以嚴謹、有序的方式涵蓋 iOS 5 和 Xcode 4.3,無論您是第一次接觸 iOS,還是需要參考資料來增強現有技能,都是理想的選擇。


- 新的記憶體管理系統—ARC—已被徹底解釋,所有程式碼範例已修訂為使用它。
- 新的 Objective-C 特性,例如在類別的實作區段中宣告實例變數,已被描述並納入修訂的範例程式碼中。
- 應用程式啟動的討論以及所有程式碼範例已針對 Xcode 4.2 及以後的專案範本進行修訂。
- 其他新的 Xcode 特性,包括模擬器的除錯選單,已被涵蓋,並附上基於 Xcode 4.2 及以後版本的螢幕截圖。
- Instruments 的討論已擴展,並附上螢幕截圖—應大家要求而來!
- 敘述和討論了 Storyboards。
- 對於視圖控制器的解釋已完全重寫,以包含 iOS 5 的特性,例如自訂父視圖控制器和 UIPageViewController。
- 控制項章節現在包括 iOS 5 的介面自訂功能和外觀代理。
- 討論了介面類別的新特性,包括平鋪和動畫圖像、新的表格視圖特性、新的警示視圖樣式。
- 對於 Core Motion 和 AV Foundation 等框架的涵蓋大幅擴展。還討論了新的 iOS 5 類別和框架,包括 Core Image 和 UIDocument(以及 iCloud 支援)。
- 重要的 iOS 5 變更可能會破壞現有程式碼,已在文本中明確指出並列在索引中。