Google Compute Engine (Paperback)

Marc Cohen, Kathryn Hurley, Paul Newson



Learn how to build data-intensive apps that run faster at a lower cost, using Google Compute Engine. Written by Google engineers, this book walks you through Google’s new Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) product. You’ll discover how to leverage Google’s world-class storage and computing technologies to gain unparalleled performance and scalability.


學習如何使用Google Compute Engine建立高效且成本更低的資料密集型應用程式。這本書由Google工程師撰寫,將帶領您深入了解Google的新基礎架構即服務(IaaS)產品。您將學習如何利用Google世界級的儲存和計算技術,獲得無與倫比的性能和可擴展性。