Physics for Game Developers: Science, math, and code for realistic effects, 2/e (Paperback)

David M Bourg, Bryan Bywalec




If you want to enrich your game’s experience with physics-based realism, the expanded edition of this classic book details physics principles applicable to game development. You’ll learn about collisions, explosions, sound, projectiles, and other effects used in games on Wii, PlayStation, Xbox, smartphones, and tablets. You’ll also get a handle on how to take advantage of various sensors such as accelerometers and optical tracking devices.

Authors David Bourg and Bryan Bywalec show you how to develop your own solutions to a variety of problems by providing technical background, formulas, and a few code examples. This updated book is indispensable whether you work alone or as part of a team.

  • Refresh your knowledge of classical mechanics, including kinematics, force, kinetics, and collision response
  • Explore rigid body dynamics, using real-time 2D and 3D simulations to handle rotation and inertia
  • Apply concepts to real-world problems: model the behavior of boats, airplanes, cars, and sports balls
  • Enhance your games with digital physics, using accelerometers, touch screens, GPS, optical tracking devices, and 3D displays
  • Capture 3D sound effects with the OpenAL audio API



作者David Bourg和Bryan Bywalec向您展示如何通過提供技術背景、公式和一些代碼示例來開發自己的解決方案以應對各種問題。無論您是獨自工作還是作為團隊的一部分,這本更新的書籍都是必不可少的。

- 更新您對經典力學的知識,包括運動學、力、動力學和碰撞反應
- 探索剛體動力學,使用實時2D和3D模擬來處理旋轉和慣性
- 將概念應用於現實世界的問題:模擬船舶、飛機、汽車和運動球的行為
- 使用加速度計、觸摸屏、GPS、光學追踪設備和3D顯示增強您的遊戲
- 使用OpenAL音頻API捕捉3D音效