2D Game Collision Detection: An introduction to clashing geometry in games

Thomas Schwarzl




Are You Wondering How 2D Collision Detection In Video Games Works?

Learn how to determine shot impacts, find out which enemies are covered by lines of sight, recognize collisions of race cars or simply check if the mouse cursor floats above a button.

This Book Is Designed For Game Developers Who Want To Implement Fast And Efficient 2D Collision Detection.

The only prerequisite you need is basic knowledge in procedural programming. If you are familiar with any popular programming language like C, C++, Java, C# or Objective-C you have all you need to understand the code examples throughout the book.

What You Will Get From This Book.

The following topics get explained in detail:

  • 2D vector mathematics,
  • how to spot collisions of various 2D shapes,
  • simple yet effective body representation of game objects,
  • identifying clashing objects in motion and
  • plenty of optimization tricks.

Your Knowledge Will Be Built Up From Scratch.

The book is written for beginners, new to the topic of geometrical 2D collision detection. There are plenty of illustrations and code examples which make it easy to understand the necessary concepts and algorithms.

Use This Book As A Reference Guide.

Aside its introductional nature this book is also designed to serve as a reference guide for looking up specific collision detection functions. So advanced game programmers will derive benefit from it as well.

All The Presented Code Is Ready For Immediate Use.

The code forged throughout the book can be downloaded from the book's website and can be used right away.







- 2D向量數學
- 如何檢測各種2D形狀的碰撞
- 遊戲物體的簡單而有效的身體表示
- 識別運動中的碰撞物體
- 大量的優化技巧




