Guide to Cloud Computing for Business and Technology Managers: From Distributed Computing to Cloudware Applications (Hardcover)

Vivek Kale



Guide to Cloud Computing for Business and Technology Managers: From Distributed Computing to Cloudware Applications unravels the mystery of cloud computing and explains how it can transform the operating contexts of business enterprises. It provides a clear understanding of what cloud computing really means, what it can do, and when it is practical to use.

Addressing the primary management and operation concerns of cloudware, including performance, measurement, monitoring, and security, this pragmatic book:

  • Introduces the enterprise applications integration (EAI) solutions that were a first step toward enabling an integrated enterprise
  • Details service-oriented architecture (SOA) and related technologies that paved the road for cloudware applications
  • Covers delivery models like IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS, and deployment models like public, private, and hybrid clouds
  • Describes Amazon, Google, and Microsoft cloudware solutions and services, as well as those of several other players
  • Demonstrates how cloud computing can reduce costs, achieve business flexibility, and sharpen strategic focus

Unlike customary discussions of cloud computing, Guide to Cloud Computing for Business and Technology Managers: From Distributed Computing to Cloudware Applications emphasizes the key differentiator—that cloud computing is able to treat enterprise-level services not merely as discrete stand-alone services, but as Internet-locatable, composable, and repackageable building blocks for generating dynamic real-world enterprise business processes.




- 介紹了企業應用程式整合(EAI)解決方案,這是實現企業整合的第一步
- 詳細介紹了面向服務的架構(SOA)及相關技術,為雲端應用程式鋪平了道路
- 詳述了基礎架構即服務(IaaS)、平台即服務(PaaS)和軟體即服務(SaaS)等交付模式,以及公有、私有和混合雲等部署模式
- 描述了亞馬遜、谷歌和微軟的雲端解決方案和服務,以及其他幾家公司的解決方案
- 示範了雲端運算如何降低成本、實現業務靈活性和提升戰略聚焦度
