Learn Raspberry Pi 2 with Linux and Windows 10 (Paperback)
暫譯: 學習 Raspberry Pi 2 與 Linux 和 Windows 10

Peter Membrey


Learn Raspberry Pi 2 with Linux and Windows 10 will tell you everything you need to know about working with Raspberry Pi 2 so you can get started doing amazing things. You'll learn how to set up your new Raspberry Pi 2 with a monitor, keyboard and mouse, and how to install both Linux and Windows on your new Pi 2.

Linux has always been a great fit for the Pi, but it can be a steep learning curve if you've never used it before. With this book, you'll see how easy it is to install Linux and learn how to work with it, including how to become a Linux command line pro. You'll learn that what might seem unfamiliar in Linux is actually very familiar. And now that Raspberry Pi also supports Windows 10, a chapter is devoted to setting up Windows 10 for the Internet of Things on a Raspberry Pi.

Finally, you'll learn how to create these Raspberry Pi projects with Linux:

  • Making a Pi web server: run LAMP on your own network
  • Making your Pi wireless: remove all the cables and retain all the functionality
  • Making a Raspber
ry Pi-based security cam and messenger service
  • Making a Pi media center: stream videos and music from your Pi
  • 商品描述(中文翻譯)

    《學習使用 Linux 和 Windows 10 的 Raspberry Pi 2》將告訴你有關使用 Raspberry Pi 2 的所有必要知識,讓你能夠開始做出驚人的事情。你將學會如何將新的 Raspberry Pi 2 與顯示器、鍵盤和滑鼠連接,並如何在新的 Pi 2 上安裝 Linux 和 Windows。

    Linux 一直是 Pi 的理想選擇,但如果你從未使用過,學習曲線可能會很陡峭。通過這本書,你將看到安裝 Linux 是多麼簡單,並學會如何使用它,包括如何成為 Linux 命令行專家。你將了解到在 Linux 中看似陌生的東西,其實是非常熟悉的。而現在 Raspberry Pi 也支持 Windows 10,本書中有一章專門介紹如何在 Raspberry Pi 上為物聯網設置 Windows 10。

    最後,你將學會如何使用 Linux 創建這些 Raspberry Pi 項目:

    - 建立 Pi 網頁伺服器:在自己的網路上運行 LAMP
    - 使你的 Pi 無線:移除所有電纜並保留所有功能
    - 建立基於 Raspberry Pi 的安全攝影機和即時通訊服務
    - 建立 Pi 媒體中心:從你的 Pi 串流視頻和音樂