Learning React Native: Building Native Mobile Apps with JavaScript (Paperback)

Bonnie Eisenman




Get a practical introduction to React Native, the JavaScript framework for writing and deploying fully featured mobile apps that look and feel native. With this hands-on guide, you’ll learn how to build applications that target iOS, Android, and other mobile platforms instead of browsers. You’ll also discover how to access platform features such as the camera, user location, and local storage.

With code examples and step-by-step instructions, author Bonnie Eisenman shows web developers and frontend engineers how to build and style interfaces, use mobile components, and debug and deploy apps. Along the way, you’ll build several increasingly sophisticated sample apps with React Native before putting everything together at the end.

  • Learn how React Native provides an interface to native UI components
  • Examine how the framework uses native components analogous to HTML elements
  • Create and style your own React Native components and applications
  • Install modules for APIs and features not supported by the framework
  • Get tools for debugging your code, and for handling issues outside of JavaScript
  • Put it all together with the Zebreto effective-memorization flashcard app
  • Deploy apps to the iOS App Store and Google’s Play Store


獲取有關React Native的實用介紹,這是一個用於編寫和部署外觀和感覺與原生應用相同的完整功能移動應用程式的JavaScript框架。通過這本實踐指南,您將學習如何構建針對iOS、Android和其他移動平台而不是瀏覽器的應用程式。您還將了解如何訪問平台功能,例如相機、用戶位置和本地存儲。

作者Bonnie Eisenman通過代碼示例和逐步指導,向網絡開發人員和前端工程師展示如何構建和設計界面,使用移動組件以及調試和部署應用程式。在此過程中,您將使用React Native構建幾個越來越複雜的示例應用程式,最後將所有內容整合在一起。

- 學習React Native如何提供與原生UI組件的接口
- 檢查該框架如何使用與HTML元素類似的原生組件
- 創建和設計自己的React Native組件和應用程式
- 安裝框架不支持的API和功能的模塊
- 獲取用於調試代碼以及處理JavaScript以外問題的工具
- 使用Zebreto有效記憶卡片應用程式將所有內容整合在一起
- 將應用程式部署到iOS應用商店和Google Play商店