Building Progressive Web Apps: Bringing the Power of Native to the Browser

Tal Ater




Move over native apps. New progressive web apps have capabilities that will soon make you obsolete. With this hands-on guide, web developers and business execs will learn how—and why—to develop web apps that take advantage of features that have so far been exclusive to native apps. Features that include fast load times, push notifications, offline access, homescreen shortcuts, and an entirely app-like experience.

By leveraging the latest browser APIs, progressive web apps combine all of the benefits of the native app, while avoiding their issues. Throughout the book, author Tal Ater shows you how to improve a simple website for the fictional Gotham Imperial Hotel into a modern progressive web app. Plus:

  • Understand how service workers function and use them to provide an app-like experience
  • Create sites that launch in an instant, regardless of a user’s internet connection
  • Use service workers to deliver offline availability during service disruptions
  • Create full-screen web apps that launch from the homescreen just like native apps
  • Re-engage users with push notifications, even days after they have left the site



透過利用最新的瀏覽器 API,漸進式網頁應用程式結合了原生應用程式的所有優點,同時避免了它們的問題。在整本書中,作者 Tal Ater 將向您展示如何將虛構的 Gotham Imperial Hotel 的簡單網站改進為現代的漸進式網頁應用程式。此外:

- 瞭解服務工作者的運作方式,並使用它們提供類似應用程式的體驗
- 創建無論使用者的網路連線如何,都能立即啟動的網站
- 利用服務工作者在服務中斷期間提供離線可用性
- 創建從主畫面啟動的全螢幕網頁應用程式,就像原生應用程式一樣
- 重新吸引使用者,即使他們已經離開網站數天,也能透過推送通知與他們互動