Learning Helm: Managing Apps on Kubernetes

Butcher, Matt, Farina, Matt, Dolitsky, Josh




Get up to speed with Helm, the preeminent package manager for the Kubernetes container orchestration system. This practical guide shows you how to efficiently create, install, and manage the applications running inside your containers. Helm maintainers Matt Butcher, Matt Farina, and Josh Dolitsky explain how this package manager fits into the Kubernetes ecosystem and provide an inside look at Helm's design and best practices.

More than 70% of the organizations that work with Kubernetes use Helm today. While the Helm community provides thousands of packages, or charts, to help you get started, this book walks developers and DevOps engineers through the process of creating custom charts to package applications. If you have a working understanding of Kubernetes, you're ready to go.

  • Explore primary features including frequently used Helm commands
  • Learn how to build and deploy Helm charts from scratch
  • Use Helm to manage complexity and achieve repeatable deployments
  • Package an application and its dependencies for easy installation
  • Manage the entire lifecycle of applications on Kubernetes
  • Explore ways to extend Helm to add features and functionality
  • Learn features for testing, handling dependencies, and providing security


快速掌握 Helm,這是 Kubernetes 容器編排系統中頂尖的套件管理器。這本實用指南將教你如何有效地創建、安裝和管理運行在容器內的應用程式。Helm 的維護者 Matt Butcher、Matt Farina 和 Josh Dolitsky 解釋了這個套件管理器如何融入 Kubernetes 生態系統,並提供了 Helm 的設計和最佳實踐的內部觀點。

如今,超過 70% 使用 Kubernetes 的組織都在使用 Helm。儘管 Helm 社群提供了數千個套件(或稱為 charts)來幫助你入門,但這本書將引導開發人員和 DevOps 工程師進行創建自訂 charts 以打包應用程式的過程。如果你對 Kubernetes 有基本的了解,你就準備好了。

- 探索常用的 Helm 命令和主要功能
- 學習如何從頭開始建立和部署 Helm charts
- 使用 Helm 管理複雜性並實現可重複部署
- 打包應用程式及其相依性以便輕鬆安裝
- 管理在 Kubernetes 上運行的應用程式的整個生命週期
- 探索擴展 Helm 以添加功能和功能的方法
- 學習測試、處理相依性和提供安全性的功能


Matt Butcher is a co-founder/creator of the Helm project. He leads a team of open source engineers at Microsoft Azure. Matt is also the co-creator of the Illustrated Children's Guide to Kubernetes (with Karen Chu) and has authored eight other books (two with Matt Farina). He holds a Ph.D. in philosophy. When not coding, he enjoys drinking great coffee or hiking in the Colorado Rockies.

Matt Farina is a maintainer on the Helm project and has been contributing to open source projects for more than 15 years. He co-founded and co-chairs Kubernetes Apps Special Interest Group (SIG) which focuses on running workloads on Kubernetes. Matt works on the Cloud Native Computing Team at Samsung SDS where he focuses on contributing to open source and applying open source software to new development. He has previously authored two books alongside Matt Butcher. Creative problem solving and helping people are two driving forces for Matt's work with software.

Josh Dolitsky is a maintainer of the Helm project and founder of the ChartMuseum project. He is the owner and lead engineer of Blood Orange, a software consulting firm specialized in helping with DevOps, CI/CD, and Kubernetes.


Matt Butcher是Helm項目的聯合創始人/創建者。他在微軟Azure領導一個開源工程師團隊。Matt還與Karen Chu共同創作了《Illustrated Children's Guide to Kubernetes》(《Kubernetes圖解兒童指南》),並撰寫了其他八本書(其中兩本與Matt Farina合著)。他擁有哲學博士學位。在不寫程式時,他喜歡品嚐美味的咖啡或在科羅拉多洛磯山脈徒步旅行。

Matt Farina是Helm項目的維護者,並在開源項目上貢獻了15年以上。他是Kubernetes Apps Special Interest Group(SIG)的聯合創始人和聯合主席,該組織專注於在Kubernetes上運行工作負載。Matt在三星SDS的Cloud Native Computing團隊工作,專注於為開源項目做出貢獻並將開源軟件應用於新的開發領域。他之前曾與Matt Butcher合著過兩本書。創造性的問題解決和幫助他人是Matt在軟件領域工作的兩大動力。

Josh Dolitsky是Helm項目的維護者,也是ChartMuseum項目的創始人。他是Blood Orange的所有者和首席工程師,Blood Orange是一家專門幫助DevOps、CI/CD和Kubernetes的軟件咨詢公司。