Intro to Marketing Automation: Maximize Your Advertising ROI

Todd Kelsey



Marketing automation is a top trend in digital marketing, and it has the potential to help any business connect with more customers when they visit your website. New systems such as Infusionsoft and Hubspot are bringing the power of marketing automation to more businesses, to help them run more efficiently, capture more leads, retain more customers, and generate more revenue. This book helps readers to progressively explore marketing automation at your own pace, so you can develop a good understanding and get a sense of related concepts and issues. There are helpful explanations in easy to understand language, hands on exercises, and real world perspective. Audience • Anyone interested in learning more about marketing automation • Small to medium size business owners who are ready to take their business to the next level • Local Service Providers (ex: lawyers, accountants, home improvement contractors) Features/Scope • Overview of affordable tools: Mailchimp, Infusionsoft, HubSpot • Hands-on tour through all the pieces of a basic marketing ecosystem • Interviews with industry perspective on a variety of related topics Ch1 - Intro: What the Heck is Marketing Automation? - General intro to marketing automation, high-level view of what an automated marketing campaigns look like, discussion of some of the basic “moving parts” of a simple marketing ecosystem: website, email list, ads, CRM. Ch2 - Tools of the Trade – Mailchimp - An introduction to MailChimp, a popular email list tool, and discussion of how gathering and managing contact information is the foundation for marketing automation. Ch3 - Tools of the Trade - Hubspot, Infusionsoft - Overview of two leading marketing automation tools, discussion of the concept of inbound marketing. Ch4 - Hands-On: Making a Basic Website - Opportunity to try making a website and blog, as a hands-on experience to help understand the basic building blocks of a simple marketing strategy. Ch5 - Hands-On: Starting an Email List - Opportunity to try creating an email list, using MailChimp. Ch6 - Hands On: Collecting Contact Info on Your Blog or Site - An exercise in putting some of the pieces together, such as adding a contact form to a blog, and discussion of the role of capturing customer information as part of marketing automation. Ch7 - Hands-On: Automating Customer Follow-Up - B2C - Step by step exploration of basic automation, to help you understand the basics, using MailChimp. Ch8 - Lead Nurturing with Infusionsoft - A closer look at how the popular tool Infusionsoft is used for marketing automation. Ch9 - Lead Nurturing with Hubspot - A closer look at Hubspot, another leading tool. Ch10 - Going Beyond Google Ads - Industry perspective from Bill Crawford, founder of Rainmaker Internet Marketing. Includes strategies for going beyond pay per click and getting the most out of your ad budget. Ch11 - Case Study – Brian Young of Home Painters Toronto - An excellent example of how a dedicated approach to marketing automation can transform your business and your life. Pros and cons, challenges, etc.