Web Application Design Handbook : Best Practices for Web-Based Software

Susan Fowler, Victor Stanwick





The standards for usability and interaction design for Web sites and software are well known. While not everyone uses those standards, or uses them correctly, there is a large body of knowledge, best practice, and proven results in those fields, and a good education system for teaching professionals "how to." For the newer field of Web application design, however, designers are forced to reuse the old rules on a new platform. This book provides a roadmap that will allow readers to put complete working applications on the Web, display the results of a process that is running elsewhere, and update a database on a remote server using an Internet rather than a network connection.

Web Application Design Handbook describes the essential widgets and development tools that will the lead to the right design solutions for your Web application. Written by designers who have made significant contributions to Web-based application design, it delivers a thorough treatment of the subject for many different kinds of applications, and provides quick reference for designers looking for some fast design solutions and opportunities to enhance the Web application experience. This book adds flavor to the standard Web design genre by juxtaposing Web design with programming for the Web and covers design solutions and concepts, such as intelligent generalization, to help software teams successfully switch from one interface to another.

"Susan and Victor have written the 'Junior Woodchucks Guidebook' of Web applications: Everything you need to know is in there, including tons of best-practice examples, insights from years of experience, and assorted fascinating arcana. If you're writing a Web application, you'd be foolish not to have a copy."
--Steve Krug, author of Don't Make Me Think! A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability

"Web sites are so nineties. The cutting edge of Web-design has moved to Web applications. If you are, like many Web designers, struggling to create dynamic, highly-functional Web-based applications, you need this book. It describes how Web applications differ from Web sites, and provides excellent guidance for common Web-application design problems, such as navigation, data input, search, reports, forms, and interactive graphic output."
--Jeff Johnson, Principal Usability Consultant, UI Wizards, Inc., and author of Web Bloopers and GUI Bloopers

"User interface designers have been debating among themselves for years about how to design effective Web applications. There were no comprehensive references that covered the myriad topics that emerged in these debates until Fowler and Stanwick took on the challenge and wrote Web Application Design Handbook, the first comprehensive guide to building Web applications. This book tackles design problems faced by every Web development team with uncommon wisdom, clear prose, and detailed examples. Key topics include: modifying the browser interface to meet application security and efficiency requirements, searching, sorting, filtering, building efficient and usable data input mechanisms, generating reports, preventing errors, and using creative visualization techniques to optimize the display of large sets of data. This thorough work should be a primary reference for everyone designing Web applications."
--Chauncey E. Wilson, Principal HCI Architect, WilDesign Consulting

"Every so often you run into a book and say to yourself: 'It's so obvious that this book should be read by every developer, so why wasn't it written years ago?' This is one of those books."
--Scott Ambler, author of The Object Primer: Agile Model Driven Development with UML 2


Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: What is a Web Application?
Chapter 2: The Browser Framework
Chapter 3: Data Input
Chapter 4: Data Retrieval: Search
Chapter 5: Data Retrieval: Filtering and Browsing
Chapter 6: Data Output: Reports
Chapter 7: Data Output: Printed Forms
Chapter 8: Interacting with Output
Chapter 9: Designing Graphs And Charts
Chapter 10: Graph Types Based on Use
Chapter 11: Designing Diagrams
Chapter 12: Diagram Types
Chapter 13: Designing Geographic Maps
Chapter 14: Interacting with Geographic Maps
Chapter 15: Types of Maps
Appendix A: Web Application Design Worksheets
Appendix B: Quality Testing
Appendix C: Usability Testing
Appendix D: Design Checklists
For Further Reading




“蘇珊和維克多寫了一本網頁應用程式的《初級木頭鴨子指南》:裡面包含了你需要知道的一切,包括大量的最佳實踐示例、多年經驗的見解和各種迷人的奇聞趣事。如果你正在編寫網頁應用程式,如果沒有一本這樣的書,你就是愚蠢的。”- Steve Krug,《別讓我思考!網頁可用性的常識方法》作者

“網站已經過時了。網頁設計的尖端已經轉向網頁應用程式。如果你像許多網頁設計師一樣,努力創建動態、高功能的基於網頁的應用程式,你需要這本書。它描述了網頁應用程式與網站的區別,並為常見的網頁應用程式設計問題提供了優秀的指導,例如導航、數據輸入、搜索、報告、表單和互動圖形輸出。”- Jeff Johnson,《Web Bloopers》和《GUI Bloopers》作者

“多年來,用戶界面設計師一直在討論如何設計有效的網頁應用程式。在這些討論中,沒有一本綜合性的參考資料涵蓋了出現的無數主題,直到Fowler和Stanwick接受了這一挑戰,撰寫了《網頁應用設計手冊》,這是第一本全面指南建立網頁應用程式。這本書以非凡的智慧、清晰的散文和詳細的示例解決了每個網頁開發團隊面臨的設計問題。關鍵主題包括:修改瀏覽器界面以滿足應用程式安全性和效率要求、搜索、排序、過濾、構建高效和可用的數據輸入機制、生成報告、防止錯誤,以及使用創造性的可視化技術優化大量數據的顯示。這部全面的作品應該成為每個設計網頁應用程式的主要參考。”- Chauncey E. Wilson,《WilDesign Consulting》首席HCI架構師

“偶爾你會遇到一本書,對自己說:‘這本書顯然應該被每個開發者閱讀,那麼為什麼它不是幾年前就寫出來了呢?’這就是其中之一。”- Scott Ambler,《The Object Primer: Agile Model Driven Development with UML 2》作者