Open Source Intelligence Techniques: Resources for Searching and Analyzing Online Information, 7/e (Paperback)

Michael Bazzell



It is time to look at OSINT in a different way. For many years, and within the previous six editions of this book, we have relied on external resources to supply our search tools, virtual environments, and investigation techniques. We have seen this protocol fail us when services shut down, websites disappear, and custom resources are dismantled due to outside pressures. This book aims to correct our dilemma. We will take control of our investigative resources and become self-reliant. There will be no more need for online search tools; we will make and host our own locally. We will no longer seek pre-built virtual machines; we will create and configure our own. This book puts the power back in your hands. The new OSINT professional must be self-sustaining and possess their own tools and resources. You will become a more proficient subject matter expert who will be armed with the knowledge and readiness to articulate the sources of your findings. Aside from eleven brand new chapters, hundreds of pages have been updated to keep your OSINT investigative methods fresh. Furthermore, an entire new section featuring Methodology, Workflow, Documentation, and Ethics provides a clear game plan for your next active investigation. All-new custom search tools, report templates, and detailed documents are included via download. Today, we start over.


現在是時候以不同的方式看待 OSINT(開源情報)。多年來,在本書的前六個版本中,我們依賴外部資源來提供我們的搜索工具、虛擬環境和調查技術。當服務關閉、網站消失以及由於外部壓力而拆解自定義資源時,我們見證了這一協議的失敗。本書旨在解決我們的困境。我們將掌控自己的調查資源,變得自給自足。將不再需要在線搜索工具;我們將在本地創建和托管自己的工具。我們將不再尋求預建的虛擬機;我們將創建和配置自己的虛擬機。本書將權力重新交回到你手中。新的 OSINT 專業人士必須具備自我維持的能力,並擁有自己的工具和資源。你將成為一位更熟練的主題專家,擁有知識和準備,能夠清晰地表達你的發現來源。除了十一個全新章節外,數百頁內容已更新,以保持你的 OSINT 調查方法的新鮮感。此外,新增的整個部分涵蓋方法論、工作流程、文檔和倫理,為你的下一次主動調查提供清晰的計劃。全新的自定義搜索工具、報告模板和詳細文檔可通過下載獲得。今天,我們重新開始。


Michael Bazzell investigated computer crimes on behalf of the government for over 20 years. During the majority of that time, he was assigned to the FBI’s Cyber Crimes Task Force where he focused on various online investigations and open source intelligence (OSINT) collection. As an investigator and sworn federal officer through the U.S. Marshals Service, he was involved in numerous major criminal investigations including online child solicitation, child abduction, kidnapping, cold-case homicide, terrorist threats, and advanced computer intrusions. He has trained thousands of individuals in the use of his investigative techniques and privacy control strategies.

After leaving government work, he served as the technical advisor for the first season of the television hacker drama Mr. Robot. His books Open Source Intelligence Techniques and Hiding from the Internet are used by several government agencies as mandatory training manuals for intelligence gathering and privacy hardening. He now hosts the weekly Privacy, Security, and OSINT show, and assists individual clients in achieving ultimate privacy, both proactively and as a response to an undesired situation.


Michael Bazzell 代表政府調查電腦犯罪超過 20 年。在這段時間的大部分時間裡,他被指派到 FBI 的網路犯罪特遣隊,專注於各種線上調查和開源情報(OSINT)收集。作為一名調查員和美國法警服務局的宣誓聯邦官員,他參與了多起重大刑事調查,包括線上兒童招攬、兒童綁架、綁架、冷案謀殺、恐怖威脅和高級電腦入侵。他已經訓練了數千人使用他的調查技術和隱私控制策略。

離開政府工作後,他擔任電視駭客劇集《Mr. Robot》第一季的技術顧問。他的書籍《Open Source Intelligence Techniques》和《Hiding from the Internet》被多個政府機構用作情報收集和隱私加強的強制訓練手冊。他現在主持每週的隱私、安全和 OSINT 節目,並協助個別客戶主動和應對不希望的情況以實現最終的隱私。