Full Stack Development with Spring Boot and React: Build modern and scalable full stack applications using the power of Spring Boot and React, 3/e (Paperback)

Hinkula, Juha



Key Features

  • Utilize Spring Boot to make powerful, complex, and secure backends for your applications
  • Leverage React's full arsenal of tools for building slick, high-performance frontends
  • Build modern, scalable full stack applications that comfortably meet the demands of your users

Book Description

Getting started with full stack development can be daunting. Even developers who are familiar with the best tools, such as Spring Boot and React, can struggle to nail the basics, let alone master the more advanced elements. If you're one of these developers, this comprehensive guide covers everything you need!

This updated edition of the Full Stack Development with Spring Boot 2 and React book will take you from novice to proficient in this expansive domain. Taking a practical approach, this book will first walk you through the latest Spring Boot features for creating a robust backend, covering everything from setting up the environment and dependency injection to security and testing.

Once this has been covered, you'll advance to React frontend programming. If you've ever wondered about custom Hooks, third-party components, and MUI, this book will demystify all that and much more. You'll explore everything that goes into developing, testing, securing, and deploying your applications using all the latest tools from Spring Boot, React, and other cutting-edge technologies.

By the end of this book, you'll not only have learned the theory of building modern full stack applications but also have developed valuable skills that add value in any setting.

What you will learn

  • Make fast and RESTful web services powered by Spring Data REST
  • Create and manage databases using ORM, JPA, Hibernate, and more
  • Explore the use of unit tests and JWTs with Spring Security
  • Employ React Hooks, props, states, and more to create your frontend
  • Discover a wide array of advanced React and third-party components
  • Build high-performance applications complete with CRUD functionality
  • Harness MUI to customize your frontend
  • Test, secure, and deploy your applications with high efficiency

Who this book is for

This book is for Java developers who are familiar with Spring Boot but don't know where to start when it comes to building full stack applications. You'll also find this book useful if you're a frontend developer with knowledge of JavaScript basics looking to learn full stack development or a full stack developer experienced in other technology stacks looking to learn a new one.



  • 利用Spring Boot為應用程式建立強大、複雜且安全的後端

  • 充分利用React的工具,建立流暢且高效能的前端

  • 建立現代化、可擴展的全端應用程式,滿足使用者的需求


開始進行全端開發可能會讓人感到困惑。即使是熟悉Spring Boot和React等最佳工具的開發人員,也可能在掌握基礎知識方面遇到困難,更不用說掌握更高級的元素了。如果你是其中一位開發人員,這本全面指南涵蓋了你所需的一切!

這本更新版的《Full Stack Development with Spring Boot 2 and React》將帶領你從初學者成為熟練的全端開發者。本書以實用的方式進行,首先介紹了用於建立強大後端的最新Spring Boot功能,包括環境設置、依賴注入、安全性和測試等方面的內容。

在掌握這些基礎知識後,你將進一步學習React前端編程。如果你曾經對自定義Hooks、第三方組件和MUI感到困惑,本書將為你解開這些謎團,並更深入地探索使用Spring Boot、React和其他尖端技術開發、測試、保護和部署應用程式的所有內容。



  • 使用Spring Data REST建立快速且符合RESTful的網路服務

  • 使用ORM、JPA、Hibernate等工具創建和管理資料庫

  • 探索使用單元測試和JWT的Spring Security

  • 利用React Hooks、props、states等功能建立前端

  • 發現各種進階的React和第三方組件

  • 建立具有CRUD功能的高效能應用程式

  • 運用MUI自定義前端

  • 高效地測試、保護和部署應用程式


本書適合熟悉Spring Boot但不知道如何開始建立全端應用程式的Java開發人員。如果你是具備JavaScript基礎知識的前端開發人員,希望學習全端開發,或者是在其他技術堆疊上有經驗的全端開發人員,希望學習新的技術堆疊,本書也將對你有所幫助。


Juha Hinkula is a software development lecturer at Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences in Finland. He received an MSc degree in computer science from the University of Helsinki. He has over 17 years of industry experience in software development. Over the past few years, he has focused on modern full stack development. He is also a passionate mobile developer with Android-native technology, and also uses React Native.


Juha Hinkula是芬蘭Haaga-Helia應用科學大學的軟體開發講師。他在赫爾辛基大學獲得了計算機科學碩士學位。他在軟體開發領域擁有超過17年的行業經驗。近年來,他專注於現代全端開發。他也是一位熱情的移動應用開發者,擅長Android原生技術,同時也使用React Native。


  1. Setting Up the Environment and Tools – Backend
  2. Understanding Dependency Injection
  3. Using JPA to Create and Access a Database
  4. Creating a RESTful Web Service with Spring Boot
  5. Securing and Testing Your Backend
  6. Setting Up the Environment and Tools – Frontend
  7. Getting Started with React
  8. Consuming the REST API with React
  9. Useful Third-Party Components for React
  10. Setting up the Frontend for Our Spring Boot RESTful Web Service
  11. Adding CRUD Functionalities
  12. Styling the Frontend with React MUI
  13. Testing Your Frontend
  14. Securing Your Application
  15. Deploying Your Application
  16. Best Practices


1. 環境和工具設置 - 後端
2. 理解依賴注入
3. 使用 JPA 創建和訪問數據庫
4. 使用 Spring Boot 創建 RESTful Web 服務
5. 保護和測試後端
6. 環境和工具設置 - 前端
7. 開始使用 React
8. 使用 React 消費 REST API
9. React 的有用第三方組件
10. 為我們的 Spring Boot RESTful Web 服務設置前端
11. 添加 CRUD 功能
12. 使用 React MUI 為前端設計樣式
13. 測試前端
14. 保護應用程序
15. 部署應用程序
16. 最佳實踐