Degunking Windows

Joli Ballew, Jeff Duntemann

  • 出版商: Paraglyph
  • 出版日期: 2004-01-19
  • 定價: $880
  • 售價: 2.3$199
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 320
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1932111840
  • ISBN-13: 9781932111842
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=1)




Degunking Windows covers the basics to help users quickly get their PCs back to top performance. The unique thing about Degunking Windows is that it's organized according to the special "cleaning" process that will improve the performance of your computer. Shortcut and time calculation charts are provided at the beginning of the book to help readers determine how much time is required to perform different degunking tasks. The book provides proven degunking maintenance tasks that users should perform on a regular basis to keep their machines running at optimum levels. Topics covered include the basics of degunking ("Why is my computer all gunked up in the first place?"), cleaning files, hard drives, and making space, uninstalling programs you don't need, fixing your desktop and start menus, degunking email and dealing with spam, improving and cleaning the registry, hardware stuff to help with degunking, improving security, backing up precious files, doing a clean install when you really have to, and much more.



《Degunking Windows》涵蓋了基礎知識,幫助用戶快速將他們的電腦恢復到最佳性能。《Degunking Windows》的獨特之處在於它根據特殊的“清理”過程進行組織,這將改善您的電腦性能。書的開頭提供了快捷方式和時間計算圖表,以幫助讀者確定執行不同清理任務所需的時間。該書提供了經過驗證的清理維護任務,用戶應該定期執行這些任務,以保持他們的機器運行在最佳水平。涵蓋的主題包括清理基礎知識(“為什麼我的電腦一開始就很亂?”),清理文件、硬盤和釋放空間,卸載不需要的程序,修復桌面和開始菜單,清理郵件和處理垃圾郵件,改善和清理註冊表,硬件方面的幫助,提高安全性,備份重要文件,當您真的需要時進行乾淨安裝,以及更多。