Statistical Regression Modeling with R: Longitudinal and Multi-Level Modeling
暫譯: 使用 R 進行統計回歸建模:縱向與多層次建模
Chen, Ding-Geng (Din), Chen, Jenny K.
本書提供了最常用的迴歸方法的簡明參考。內容從適用於常態分佈數據的線性和非線性迴歸開始,接著介紹適用於二項分佈數據的邏輯迴歸,以及適用於計數數據的泊松迴歸和負二項迴歸。然後,書中進一步探討適用於縱向和多層次數據結構的迴歸模型。本書旨在指導從傳統迴歸建模過渡到更高級的迴歸建模,並促進統計學和數據科學的快速發展。透過提供數據和計算程式以促進讀者的學習體驗,《Statistical Regression Modeling》推廣了 R 在線性、非線性、縱向和多層次迴歸中的應用。所有包含的數據集以及與多層次迴歸相關的 R 程式,均在附錄 A 中詳細說明。本書對於應用迴歸的研究生課程,以及數據科學、統計分析、公共衛生及相關領域的從業者和研究人員都將具有重要價值。
Dr. Ding-Geng Chen is a fellow of the American Statistical Association and currently the Wallace H. Kuralt Distinguished Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He was a professor in biostatistics at the University of Rochester and the Karl E. Peace Endowed Eminent Scholar Chair in biostatistics at Georgia Southern University. He is also a senior statistics consultant for biopharmaceutical organizations and government agencies with extensive expertise in Monte Carlo simulations, clinical trial biostatistics, and public health statistics. Dr. Chen has more than 200 professional publications, and he has coauthored/coedited 31 books on clinical trial methodology, meta-analysis, data sciences, Monte Carlo simulation-based statistical modeling, and public health applications. He has been invited nationally and internationally to give speeches on his research.
Ms. Jenny K. Chen graduated with a master's degree from the Department of Statistics and Data Science at Cornell University. She is currently working as a financial analyst at Morgan Stanley (Midtown New York Office) for their Wealth Management division. Previously, Jenny worked as a product manager for Google, where she led a team of data scientists to develop several prediction algorithms for the 2019 NCAA March Madness Basketball Tournament. She has published several research papers in statistical modeling and data analytics.