Democratic Hypocrisy: Domination, Egalitarian Criticism and Apologetic Narratives

Mazzone, Leonard

  • 出版商: Palgrave MacMillan
  • 出版日期: 2024-08-17
  • 售價: $4,760
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$4,522
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 187
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 3031338227
  • ISBN-13: 9783031338229
  • 無法訂購



"Mazzone has focused our attention on an important and underappreciated topic; the way hypocrisy suppresses the complaints of the oppressed and poses a particular threat not just to our politics but to democracies as a whole. The topic could hardly be more urgent."

-- Ekow N. Yankah, Thomas M. Cooley Professor of Law at the University of Michigan, USA

Unconfessed by definition, hypocrisy is one of the most used and abused polemical categories, even today, to denounce the "masked cynicism" of certain social actors, especially when they hold public office. But has hypocrisy always been just that? Should we really always be wary of it and challenge its every manifestation? What forms of hypocrisy can we distinguish? What kind of relationship exists between hypocrisy and the lack of self-critical attitude of those who are used to challenge the conduct of others? And above all: what relationship exists between this common vice, democratic politics andthe institutional reproduction of different forms of oppression and domination? These are just some of the questions that inspire this philosophical journey back into the history of one of the most chameleonic concepts of Western culture. In Mazzone's conception, democratic hypocrisy includes argumentative strategies used by institutional actors to refuse any kind of responsibility when their decisions, actions or roles are called into question by the protests of citizens in a democratic context. He reveals the relationship that exists between such "apologetic narratives" and the institutional reproduction of different forms of oppression and domination. Ultimately, the book urges civic vigilance against underhand wannabe authoritarians, who - as a group - are evolving to find new ways to trick people into opposing democracy.

Leonard Mazzone is Research Associate in Social and Political Philosophy at the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Florence, Italy.


「Mazzone 將我們的注意力集中在一個重要且被低估的主題上:虛偽如何壓制被壓迫者的訴求,並對我們的政治乃至整個民主制度構成特定威脅。這個主題幾乎無法再更緊迫了。」
-- Ekow N. Yankah,美國密西根大學托馬斯·M·庫利法學教授

虛偽本質上是未被承認的,它是當今最常被使用和濫用的論戰類別之一,用以譴責某些社會行為者的「偽裝的憤世嫉俗」,尤其是當他們擔任公職時。但虛偽是否一直都是這樣?我們真的應該時刻對它保持警惕並挑戰它的每一種表現嗎?我們能區分出哪些形式的虛偽?虛偽與那些習慣於挑戰他人行為的人缺乏自我批判態度之間存在什麼樣的關係?最重要的是:這種普遍的惡習、民主政治以及不同形式的壓迫和統治的制度性再生產之間存在什麼樣的關係?這些只是啟發這段哲學旅程的一些問題,這段旅程回顧了西方文化中最具變色龍特質的概念之一。在 Mazzone 的觀點中,民主虛偽包括制度性行為者在民主背景下,當他們的決策、行動或角色受到公民抗議質疑時,所使用的拒絕任何責任的論證策略。他揭示了這種「辯護敘事」與不同形式的壓迫和統治的制度性再生產之間的關係。最終,這本書呼籲公民對那些暗中想要成為專制者的警覺,這些人作為一個群體,正在演變以尋找新的方式來欺騙人們反對民主。

Leonard Mazzone 是意大利佛羅倫斯大學社會與政治科學系的社會與政治哲學研究助理。


Leonard Mazzone is Research Associate in Social and Political Philosophy at the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Florence, Italy.


Leonard Mazzone 是義大利佛羅倫斯大學社會與政治科學系的社會與政治哲學研究助理。