Integrated Time-Based Signal Processing Circuits for Harsh Radiation Environments
暫譯: 針對惡劣輻射環境的整合時間基信號處理電路

Karmakar, Arijit, De Smedt, Valentijn, LeRoux, Paul

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2024-10-30
  • 售價: $2,200
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$2,090
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 139
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 3031406222
  • ISBN-13: 9783031406225
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


This book covers the most recent, advanced methods for designing mixed-signal integrated circuits, for radiation-hardened sensor readouts (capacitive) and frequency synthesizers (quadrature, digitally controlled oscillators and all-digital PLL etc.). The authors discuss the ionizing radiation sources, complex failure mechanisms as well as several mitigation strategies for avoiding such failures. Readers will benefit from an introduction to the essential theory and fundamentals of ionizing radiation and time-based signal processing, with the details of the implementation of several radiation-hardened IC prototypes. The radiation-hardening methods and solutions described are supported by theory and experimental data with, underlying tradeoffs.

  • Discusses the basics of time-based signal processing and its effectiveness in mitigating ionizing radiation
  • Provides mitigation strategies and recommendations for reducing radiation induced effects in Integrated Circuits
  • Includes coverage of devices used in measuring radiation, focusing on semiconductor-based radiation sensors



- 討論基於時間的信號處理的基本概念及其在減輕電離輻射影響方面的有效性
- 提供減輻射誘發效應的策略和建議,以降低集成電路中的輻射影響
- 包括用於測量輻射的設備的介紹,重點在於半導體基礎的輻射傳感器


Arijit Karmakar received a B.E. degree in Instrumentation and Electronics from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India in 2013. He earned his M.Tech. degree in Electrical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, Mumbai, India, in 2015, with a specialization in Electronics Systems. From 2015 to 2017, he worked as a Senior Systems Engineer at Cypress Semiconductor in Bangalore, India, where he acquired experience developing capacitive sensors using programmable System-on-a-Chip (SoC) Technology for Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications. From 2017 to 2023 he was working as a research assistant at the ADVISE Research Group of the Katholieke Universiteit (KU) Leuven towards a PhD degree as a part of RADSAGA ITN program on the topic of "Integrated Time-based Signal Processing Circuits for Harsh Radiation Environments", which he received in April 2023. His research interest includes radiation-hardened mixed-signal integrated circuits, TDCs and RF clock interfaces for ADPLLapplications, and integrated CMOS sensor front-end circuits. He joined IDLab (Internet technology and Data Science Lab), Ghent University, in collaboration with IMEC in September 2022 and is presently working on developing high-speed interfaces for optical-electronic co-design.

Valentijn De Smedt received the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in 2007. The subject of his Master thesis was the design of an accurate integrated frequency reference. From 2007 to 2014 he was working as a research assistant at the MICAS laboratories of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven towards a PhD degree on the design of ultra-low-power time-based building blocks for wireless sensor networks, which he received in April 2014. Between February 2014 and July 2017, he was employed at MinDCet as a Senior Design Engineer. At MinDCet he was responsible for the IP development of ultra-high voltage (1 kV) high-power integrated power converters and motor drivers. Apart from this, he was responsible for the further development of the MaDMix and MaDCap inductor and capacitor measurement system. In 2017 he became professor and head of the ADVISE research group. The focus of his research is on radiation-tolerant control systems for power and sensing applications. Currently, he is appointed as associate professor at the KU Leuven Dept. of Electrical Engineering (ESAT). He was vice-chair technical activities of the IEEE student branch of Leuven between 2009 and 2013, and chaired the IEEE Student Branch and GOLD congress 2010 (SBC2010). Between 2011 and 2015, he was IEEE Benelux GOLD (Young Professionals) chair and co-chair of the IEEE SSCS Benelux chapter. Since 2015 he is Membership Development Officer in the IEEE Benelux ExCom, since January 2020 he is treasurer of the IEEE Benelux section. In November 2017 he founded the IEEE Benelux NPSS chapter, which he currently chairs.

Paul Leroux is Full Professor in the field of radiation hardened chip design within the Advanced Integrated Sensing Lab (ADVISE) of KU Leuven, Geel Campus. Prof. Leroux received the M.Sc. degree and Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering from the KU Leuven, Belgium, in 1999 and 2004, respectively. From 1999 to 2004, he was a Teaching and Research Assistant within the MICAS research group of the KU Leuven Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT). In 2009 he became professor at the KU Leuven Dept. of Electrical Engineering (ESAT), where he headed the Electrical Engineering (ESAT) Technology Cluster from November 2011 to July 2016. Since August 2016 he is Campus Chair of the KU Leuven Geel Campus. His current research activities within the ADVISE research group focus on radiation hardened IC design for nuclear fusion, space and high-energy physics applications, circuits for optical communication and instrumentation. His group is part of the CERN CMS collaboration where Prof. Leroux is acting as KU Leuven team leader. Paul Leroux has (co)authored 4 books and over 250 papers in international journals and conference proceedings. He is Senior Member of the IEEE. In 2010, Prof. Leroux received the SCK-CEN Prof. Roger Van Geen Award from the FWO and FNRS for his highly innovative work on IC design for harsh radiation environments.


Arijit Karmakar於2013年在印度加爾各答的Jadavpur University獲得儀器與電子學的學士學位。他於2015年在印度孟買的印度理工學院(IIT)獲得電氣工程的碩士學位,專攻電子系統。從2015年到2017年,他在印度班加羅爾的Cypress Semiconductor擔任高級系統工程師,期間獲得了使用可編程系統單晶片(SoC)技術開發電容式傳感器的經驗,應用於物聯網(IoT)領域。從2017年到2023年,他在比利時魯汀的Katholieke Universiteit(KU)Leuven的ADVISE研究小組擔任研究助理,作為RADSAGA ITN計劃的一部分,研究主題為「針對惡劣輻射環境的集成時間基信號處理電路」,並於2023年4月獲得博士學位。他的研究興趣包括輻射抗擾混合信號集成電路、用於ADPLL應用的時間數據轉換器(TDC)和射頻時鐘介面,以及集成CMOS傳感器前端電路。他於2022年9月加入IDLab(網際網路技術與數據科學實驗室),與IMEC合作,目前正在開發光電共同設計的高速介面。

Valentijn De Smedt於2007年在Katholieke Universiteit Leuven獲得電氣工程的碩士學位。他的碩士論文主題是設計一個精確的集成頻率參考。從2007年到2014年,他在Katholieke Universiteit Leuven的MICAS實驗室擔任研究助理,研究主題為無線傳感器網絡的超低功耗時間基構件的設計,並於2014年4月獲得博士學位。在2014年2月至2017年7月期間,他在MinDCet擔任高級設計工程師,負責超高壓(1 kV)高功率集成電源轉換器和馬達驅動器的IP開發。此外,他還負責MaDMix和MaDCap電感和電容測量系統的進一步開發。2017年,他成為教授並擔任ADVISE研究小組的負責人。他的研究重點是針對電力和感測應用的輻射耐受控制系統。目前,他在KU Leuven電氣工程系(ESAT)擔任副教授。他曾於2009年至2013年間擔任IEEE Leuven學生分會的技術活動副主席,並於2010年主持IEEE學生分會和GOLD大會(SBC2010)。在2011年至2015年間,他擔任IEEE Benelux GOLD(年輕專業人士)主席及IEEE SSCS Benelux分會的共同主席。自2015年以來,他在IEEE Benelux執行委員會擔任會員發展官,自2020年1月起擔任IEEE Benelux分會的財務主管。2017年11月,他創立了IEEE Benelux NPSS分會,並目前擔任該分會的主席。

Paul Leroux是KU Leuven Geel校區的先進集成感測實驗室(ADVISE)中專注於輻射抗擾晶片設計的全職教授。Leroux教授於1999年和2004年分別在比利時KU Leuven獲得電子工程的碩士和博士學位。從1999年到2004年,他在KU Leuven電氣工程系(ESAT)的MICAS研究小組擔任教學和研究助理。2009年,他成為KU Leuven電氣工程系(ESAT)的教授,並於2011年11月至2016年7月期間擔任電氣工程(ESAT)技術集群的負責人。自2016年8月以來,他擔任KU Leuven Geel校區的校區主席。他目前在ADVISE研究小組的研究活動專注於核融合、太空和高能物理應用的輻射抗擾集成電路設計、光通信和儀器的電路。他的團隊是CERN CMS合作的一部分,Leroux教授擔任KU Leuven團隊的負責人。Paul Leroux已(共同)撰寫4本書籍和超過250篇國際期刊及會議論文。他是IEEE的高級會員。2010年,Leroux教授因其在惡劣輻射環境下的集成電路設計方面的創新工作,獲得了FWO和FNRS頒發的SCK-CEN Prof. Roger Van Geen獎。