AWS Certified Sysops Administrator Study Guide: Associate Soa-C02 Exam
Bootstrapping Microservices, Second Edition: With Docker, Kubernetes, Github Actions, and Terraform
VIP 95折
VIP 95折
Software Architecture with C# 12 and .NET 8 : Build enterprise applications using microservices, DevOps, EF Core, and design patterns, 4/e (Paperback)
VIP 95折
Spring Cloud Alibaba大型微服務架構項目實戰(上冊)
VIP 95折
VIP 95折
Spring Cloud Alibaba 微服務框架電商平臺搭建與編程解析
VIP 95折
Containers for Developers Handbook: A practical guide to developing and delivering applications using software containers
VIP 90折
gRPC Microservices in Go
VIP 95折
A Developer's Guide to .NET in Azure: Build quick, scalable cloud-native applications and microservices with .NET 6.0 and Azure
微服務開發指南|使用 Spring Cloud 與 Docker
VIP 95折
Microservices with Spring Boot 3 and Spring Cloud - Third Edition: Build resilient and scalable microservices using Spring Cloud, Istio, and Kubernete
VIP 95折
gRPC Go for Professionals: Implement, test, and deploy production-grade microservices (Paperback)
VIP 95折
Spring Security 原理與實戰:構建安全可靠的微服務
VIP 95折
Kubernetes 原生微服務開發
Dapr 與 .NET 微服務實戰
VIP 95折
Bootstrapping Service Mesh Implementations with Istio: Build reliable, scalable, and secure microservices on Kubernetes with Service Mesh
VIP 95折
Machine Learning in Microservices: Productionizing microservices architecture for machine learning solutions
Pro Restful APIs with Micronaut: Build Java-Based Microservices with Rest, Json, XML, and Jax-RS
VIP 95折
Spring Boot 微服務實戰, 2/e
VIP 90折
Podman in Action: Secure, Rootless Containers for Kubernetes, Microservices, and More (Paperback)
VIP 95折
Microservices Design Patterns in .NET: Making sense of microservices design and architecture using .NET Core (Paperback)
VIP 95折
Azure、DevOps 和微服務軟件架構實戰, 2/e
Spring Cloud Alibaba 與 Kubernetes 微服務容器化實踐
VIP 95折
Event-Driven Architecture in Golang: Building complex systems with asynchronicity and eventual consistency
Mastering API Architecture: Design, Operate, and Evolve Api-Based Systems (Paperback)
VIP 90折
Restful Web API Patterns and Practices Cookbook: Connecting and Orchestrating Microservices and Distributed Data (Paperback)
VIP 95折
Practical Microservices with Dapr and .NET - Second Edition: A developer's guide to building cloud-native applications using the event-driven runtime
建構微服務|設計細微化的系統, 2/e (Building Microservices: Designing Fine-Grained Systems, 2/e)