The Persona Lifecycle: Keeping People in Mind Throughout Product Design (Paperback)

John Pruitt, Tamara Adlin





If you design and develop products for people, this book is for you. The Persona Lifecycle addresses the ?how? of creating effective personas and using those personas to design products that people love. It doesn't just describe the value of personas; it offers detailed techniques and tools related to planning, creating, communicating, and using personas to create great product designs. Moreover, it provides rich examples, samples, and illustrations to imitate and model. Perhaps most importantly, it positions personas not as a panacea, but as a method used to complement other user-centered design (UCD) techniques including scenario-based design, cognitive walkthroughs and user testing. John Pruitt is the User Research Manager for the Tablet & Mobile PC Division at Microsoft Corporation. Tamara Adlin is a Customer Experience Manager at For the past six years, John and Tamara have been researching and using personas, leading workshops, and teaching courses at professional conferences and universities. They developed the Persona Lifecycle model to communicate the value and practical application of personas to product design and development professionals.


Table of Contents

Chapter 1 – The Next Frontier for User-Centered Design: Making User Representations More Usable

Chapter 2 – The Persona Lifecycle: A framework for the persona approach

Chapter 3 – Phase 1: Family Planning (planning a persona effort)

Chapter 4 – Phase 2: Conception & Gestation (creating personas)

Chapter 5 – Phase 3: Birth & Maturation (launching and communicating personas)

Chapter 6 – Phase 4: Adulthood (using personas)

Chapter 7 – Phase 5: Lifetime Achievement and Retirement (ROI and reuse of personas) Contributed Chapters:

Chapter 8 – Users, roles and personas (by Larry Constantine)

Chapter 9 - Storytelling and narrative (by Whitney Quesenbery)

Chapter 10 - Reality and Design Maps (by Tamara Adlin & Holly Jamesen)

Chapter 11 - Marketing versus design personas (by Bob Barlow-Busch)

Chapter 12 – Why personas work: The psychological evidence (by Jonathan Grudin)

Appendix A- Example Personas

Appendix B- Sample Image Release Form References Contributor

Index Index



如果您設計和開發產品給人們使用,這本書適合您。《角色生命週期》探討了創建有效角色並使用這些角色設計受人喜愛的產品的方法。它不僅僅描述了角色的價值,還提供了與規劃、創建、溝通和使用角色相關的詳細技術和工具,以創造出優秀的產品設計。此外,它還提供了豐富的示例、樣本和插圖供模仿和參考。最重要的是,它將角色定位為一種方法,用於補充其他以用戶為中心的設計技術,包括基於情境的設計、認知步行和用戶測試。約翰·普魯特(John Pruitt)是微軟公司平板電腦和移動PC部門的用戶研究經理。塔瑪拉·阿德林(Tamara Adlin)是亞馬遜公司的客戶體驗經理。在過去的六年中,約翰和塔瑪拉一直在研究和使用角色,領導研討會,並在專業會議和大學教授課程。他們開發了《角色生命週期》模型,以傳達角色對產品設計和開發專業人員的價值和實際應用。


第8章-用戶、角色和角色(Larry Constantine撰寫)
第9章-故事和敘事(Whitney Quesenbery撰寫)
第10章-現實和設計地圖(Tamara Adlin和Holly Jamesen撰寫)
第11章-市場營銷與設計角色(Bob Barlow-Busch撰寫)
第12章-為什麼角色有效:心理證據(Jonathan Grudin撰寫)