Making Things See: 3D vision with Kinect, Processing, Arduino, and MakerBot (Paperback)
暫譯: 讓物體看見:使用 Kinect、Processing、Arduino 和 MakerBot 的 3D 視覺

Greg Borenstein



This detailed, hands-on guide provides the technical and conceptual information you need to build cool applications with Microsoft’s Kinect, the amazing motion-sensing device that enables computers to see. Through half a dozen meaty projects, you’ll learn how to create gestural interfaces for software, use motion capture for easy 3D character animation, 3D scanning for custom fabrication, and many other applications.

Perfect for hobbyists, makers, artists, and gamers, Making Things See shows you how to build every project with inexpensive off-the-shelf components, including the open source Processing programming language and the Arduino microcontroller. You’ll learn basic skills that will enable you to pursue your own creative applications with Kinect.

  • Create Kinect applications on Mac OS X, Windows, or Linux
  • Track people with pose detection and skeletonization, and use blob tracking to detect objects
  • Analyze and manipulate point clouds
  • Make models for design and fabrication, using 3D scanning technology
  • Use MakerBot, RepRap, or Shapeways to print 3D objects
  • Delve into motion tracking for animation and games
  • Build a simple robot arm that can imitate your arm movements
  • Discover how skilled artists have used Kinect to build fascinating projects



這本書非常適合愛好者、創客、藝術家和遊戲玩家,《Making Things See》將教您如何使用便宜的現成元件來構建每個專案,包括開源的Processing程式語言和Arduino微控制器。您將學會基本技能,使您能夠追求自己的創意應用與Kinect。

- 在Mac OS X、Windows或Linux上創建Kinect應用程式
- 使用姿勢檢測和骨架化追蹤人員,並使用斑塊追蹤來檢測物體
- 分析和操作點雲
- 使用3D掃描技術製作設計和製造模型
- 使用MakerBot、RepRap或Shapeways列印3D物件
- 深入探討動畫和遊戲的動作追蹤
- 構建一個簡單的機器手臂,可以模仿您的手臂動作
- 發現技藝高超的藝術家如何使用Kinect來構建迷人的專案