Team Topologies: Organizing Business and Technology Teams for Fast Flow (Paperback)

Skelton, Matthew, Pais, Manuel, Malan, Ruth




Effective software teams are essential for any organization to deliver value continuously and sustainably. But how do you build the best team organization for your specific goals, culture, and needs? Team Topologies is a practical, step-by-step, adaptive model for organizational design and team interaction based on four fundamental team types and three team interaction patterns. It is a model that treats teams as the fundamental means of delivery, where team structures and communication pathways are able to evolve with technological and organizational maturity. In Team Topologies, IT consultants Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais share secrets of successful team patterns and interactions to help readers choose and evolve the right team patterns for their organization, making sure to keep the software healthy and optimize value streams. Team Topologies is a major step forward in organizational design for software, presenting a well-defined way for teams to interact and interrelate that helps make the resulting software architecture clearer and more sustainable, turning inter-team problems into valuable signals for the self-steering organization.


有效的軟體團隊對於任何組織來說都是持續且可持續地提供價值的關鍵。但是,如何為您的特定目標、文化和需求建立最佳的團隊組織呢?《團隊拓撲》是一個實用、逐步、適應性的組織設計和團隊互動模型,基於四種基本團隊類型和三種團隊互動模式。這是一個將團隊視為交付的基本手段的模型,其中團隊結構和溝通途徑能夠隨著技術和組織成熟度的提高而演變。在《團隊拓撲》中,IT顧問Matthew Skelton和Manuel Pais分享了成功的團隊模式和互動的秘訣,幫助讀者選擇和演進適合他們組織的正確團隊模式,確保軟體的健康並優化價值流程。《團隊拓撲》是軟體組織設計的一大步,提供了一種明確的團隊互動方式,有助於使結果軟體架構更清晰且更可持續,將團隊間的問題轉化為自主導向組織的有價值的信號。


MATTHEW SKELTON has been building, deploying, and operating commercial software systems since 1998. Head of Consulting at Conflux, he specializes in Continuous Delivery, operability and organization design for software in manufacturing, ecommerce, and online services, including cloud, IoT, and embedded software. He currently lives in the UK. MANUEL PAIS is a DevOps and Delivery Coach and Consultant, focused on teams and flow first. He helps organizations adopt test automation and continuous delivery, as well as understand DevOps from both technical and human perspectives. Manuel has been in the industry since 2000, having worked in Belgium, Portugal, Spain, and the UK. He currently lives in Madrid, Spain.


MATTHEW SKELTON自1998年以來一直在建立、部署和操作商業軟體系統。他是Conflux的顧問部門主管,專注於連續交付、可操作性和軟體在製造、電子商務和線上服務(包括雲端、物聯網和嵌入式軟體)方面的組織設計。他目前居住在英國。

MANUEL PAIS是一位DevOps和交付教練和顧問,專注於團隊和流程優化。他幫助組織採用測試自動化和持續交付,並從技術和人的角度理解DevOps。Manuel從2000年開始從事這個行業,曾在比利時、葡萄牙、西班牙和英國工作。他目前居住在西班牙馬德里。