Fundamental Mathematical Analysis (Paperback)
暫譯: 基本數學分析 (平裝本)

Magnus, Robert



This textbook offers a comprehensive undergraduate course in real analysis in one variable. Taking the view that analysis can only be properly appreciated as a rigorous theory, the book recognises the difficulties that students experience when encountering this theory for the first time, carefully addressing them throughout.

Historically, it was the precise description of real numbers and the correct definition of limit that placed analysis on a solid foundation. The book therefore begins with these crucial ideas and the fundamental notion of sequence. Infinite series are then introduced, followed by the key concept of continuity. These lay the groundwork for differential and integral calculus, which are carefully covered in the following chapters. Pointers for further study are included throughout the book, and for the more adventurous there is a selection of "nuggets", exciting topics not commonly discussed at this level. Examples of nuggets include Newton's method, the irrationality of π, Bernoulli numbers, and the Gamma function.

Based on decades of teaching experience, this book is written with the undergraduate student in mind. A large number of exercises, many with hints, provide the practice necessary for learning, while the included "nuggets" provide opportunities to deepen understanding and broaden horizons.






Robert Magnus was born in the UK and studied mathematics at the Universities of Cambridge and Sussex. He has taught nearly all subjects associated with analysis and has published papers in the areas of bifurcation theory, catastrophe theory, analytic operator functions and non-linear partial differential equations. Since 1977 he has lived and worked in Iceland.


羅伯特·馬格努斯(Robert Magnus)出生於英國,並在劍橋大學(University of Cambridge)和薩塞克斯大學(University of Sussex)學習數學。他教授過幾乎所有與分析相關的科目,並在分岔理論、災變理論、解析算子函數和非線性偏微分方程等領域發表過論文。自1977年以來,他一直在冰島生活和工作。